Portable Whiteboards

April 04, 2017

Do you remember when you were at school and felt thrilled by having the chance to write on the board, even more, when the teacher wasn't there? …Leaving messages, drawing with coloured chalks during break hours or just raising up your hand to check the exercises on board just to feel the touch of chalks on your hands? – Yes! Chalks! There was a time in past years were school boards were green or even black and there were no digital whiteboards.- We were so lucky that in my school we had two huge green boards, they weren't decorative objects, they were placed there to help us with psychomotricity and to boost calligraphy copying more every day.

Have you ever met a kid who is willing to have a whiteboard for his or her own to doodle, write, re-write, erase and start up again?

In this post, I reveal you a really cheap secret that I have discovered some months ago to make the little ones have their own Whiteboards and take them wherever they want. 

Some years ago, back in 2008, when I was taking my first steps at teaching, I did my own flashcards and games to use in my lessons. I visited the stationery with a great frequency to get them laminated, up to one day, having a look in a supermarket I discovered my loyal friend: THE LAMINATOR. From that day onward I became a ‘Laminator Lover’. Everything that turned into my way was automatically laminated. Sundays were days for cutting, pasting, colouring, laminating and cutting one more time- How my hand hurt! and How messy the floor was too!- There were small and thin plastic pieces everywhere!

Recently while I was attending a webinar for teachers by Pearson, which are perfect for recycling and putting the creative engine that everybody gets inside into function, I discovered a great bunch of activities to use with small whiteboards. ‘I must have them!’ - I thought-  The problem is that depending on the ratio of students you have, purchasing small portable whiteboard could be a little bit costly and to make things worse, you may find other drawbacks such as the size and shape.  So, Houston, we've got a problem, here!
As a consequence, I've created my own  PORTABLE WITHEBOARDS.

How can I get my own Portable Whiteboards? 
As Easy as ABC. Write down the necessary materials.
  • A white sheet of paper or A1 or A3 size to laminate either at home, if you've got a laminator, or in a stationery (1€/2€ maximum)
  • Whiteboard markers with eraser included. Better if you get different coloured ones. 
  • A small piece of felt rag/cloth in to erase the ink in case you haven't got one included in the markers. 
  • A little bit of alcohol to clean them up with some frequency. 

How can I use them at home?

If kids are little they would probably assume to do a role play game. They will turn into teachers and they would repeat that lesson(s) that caught their attention. Doing so they are not only creating and recreating, but also studying and fixing knowledge.

If the target students are younger learners or adolescents, they can use the portable whiteboards to prepare some diagrams or outlines from specific topics while studying and use them as mind-maps. In that way, they are reviewing spelling, and if they tend to study aloud they would rehearse public speaking techniques and also rephrasing. It is also important for them to not just learn things by heart by understanding what they are saying and writing.


If users are kids starting with handwriting and spelling, portable whiteboards can be used to write new words, phonemes or letters all the time they want. They can erase them whenever they want and start up again without using sheets of papers. Be eco-friendly!
You can practice dictations, which are fantastic to review spelling rules. You can ask them to write down words that you tell them and then you can check them just showing the mistake or asking them to find it and solve the problem.

Change roles! Let them take the teacher's role! They will really enjoy it! Write down the words your kid tells you and write some of them in a wrong way so you let him or her check it. It would be a good idea to ask them why it is not right, so they can explain the rules. Depending on the users' level you can practise with sentences. Just for brave ones!

Grown-up students can play with their friends. They can prepare each other exams and swap boards. As a rule of thumb they must check each other's mistakes  and justify them, so it is a must to have the topic updated and reviewed in advance. They can prepare questions as a Trivial style, with and without options. True or False sentences from the topic they are studying or just spot the mistake in some sentences.
Lots of opportunities to learn, review and have fun at the same time!


The typical hanged man or TIC TAC TOE to practise new vocabulary or topic explanations.

¡C'MON! ¡Get on it! Fill your house with Portable Whiteboards and tell me how it was! Enjoy yourselves! 

See you Soon!

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