From Frozen Fever to sowing Sunflowers

March 24, 2017

Can we go from watching Frozen Fever Trailer to plant Sunflowers in class? -CAN DO!- Sometimes my creative engine inside my mind can't stop thinking and relating innovative ideas to use in lessons- I am those kinds of teachers that is always seeking for the playful, creative, fun, and of course, educative side to all activities, since no activity is done for anything- and if to all that talk we add that spring has sprung and in the classroom there´s a birthday celebration coming soon, and the birthday girl begs you to do something different to celebrate it in an English lesson style..... You can't resist and  mixed all the ingredients with a lot of love, a bit of adventure, and a pinch patience to get what has turned into the most blockbuster thriller: 
 From Frozen Fever to sowing Sunflowers. 

Scene 1: Making Today a Perfect Day. 

One day, exactly an year ago, I was peeping a store window and to my surprise, I discovered that Anna- one of the main characters of Frozen,  has a new look. There were SUNFLOWERS everywhere in her new style - dress, hair and a beautiful bunch of sunflowers on her arms-
As soon as I got home I searched for some information on the new film, which will apparently be released in 2018, and in the sweet search, I found some FROZEN FEVER trailers- something that was already known by all kids- Just there you realised that you urgently need an updating refreshing on the Disney field! 

Once I found the videos on Youtube, I play them on, and to my surprise, they were not only about a birthday party but also they were surrounded by a marvellous message to spread within the class: MAKING TODAY A PERFECT DAY FOR YOU-, 
 There were  SUNFLOWERS TOO!  

My  mind-map with ideas for the upcoming lesson is getting its shape and my lesson plan turns into:
 Frozen Fever video activities - Plant sunflowers - Learn about plants. 
Video 1 Video 2   Video Activities (Listening part from minute 1.52 onwards)

Scene 2. Why Sunflowers?

I owe my personal SUNFLOWER FEVER to my mindfulness coaching. She is the guilty for teaching me a Hawaiian technique called Ho'oponopono. i.e. rectify, correct a mistake from the past and thus find your inner peace. If we heal out inner-being, we will automatically heal our surroundings- but this is for onother post- In case you want to learn more here you are some info.
Curiously, the symbol of that technique is the .......SUNFLOWER! since as its name shows, it looks at the sun, which is energy, consequently it gives us the inner strength we need to heel and love. I was gifted with a plant pot with small sunflowers sprouts in by my coaching and from them onwards I plant them every spring. 

                                       HERE IT IS HOW MY LESSON PLAN IS SHAPING UP.  

Scene 3 : The Icing on the Cake: Discovering the Birthday Present. 

It was time to fit in all the pieces of the puzzle. Thus, Once we'd worked with Frozen Fever song and its vocabulary, we had to call our great ally THE CURIOSITY. Just there in the class, it was supposed we were celebrating a birthday, and there´s no birthday party without presents, isn't it? So I gave each child a bag pretending to be a birthday present. - Bags were from a trendy clothes shop- what a cheater am I!  ;) -
- OMG! ¿What would it be? 
 -Ice cold-Cold- Chilly. 
-A hint: How was Anna's cake decorated?
-Yes! You´ve got it!
It was the moment to discover what was inside the bags and what would we do with them. So that time we had to call our second assistants: Our FLASHCARDS thanks to them we discovered we would plant.....

I am not keep on such an intriguing and I will discover what was inside the bags. Take a pencil and write down the materials in case you want to replicate the model.
- A small plant pot.
- Compost/soil.
- An envelope containing the flower seeds.
- A wooden spoon as the trowel. 
-A stick and a positive message sign to decorate our pot.

Now we must take care of them and watch how they grow up. So we can´t forget to give them love and some needy elements everyday. As a reminder, we prepared a poster  with the flower's parts and what do they need to grow healthy and strong.  You can find the pics for the poster here.

Do you imagine that great sensation that causes the mixture of anxiety and curiosity to see the first sprout coming out?
Nothing better than learning English integrating areas and Learning by doing!
It is tested that learning occurs in the specific moment when our human brains get thrilled by curiosity.  


Do you dare to use this activity in your class or home with your kids? Get on it and then tell me how it was! I look forward to hearing from you soon!

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